I am olivia

I am a lantern for the light

I shine by it’s grace

Together we can see the path

Only together on this path

Astrology is my medium, abolition the goal. How does abolition connect to astrology? I believe both support us in witnessing the divine in one another and building a world that supports our inner spark.

Each of us has a gift to offer, a note to add to the grand composition of the cosmos, a part to play in the ceremony that is life. For me, that role is Astro Abolitionist, a practice of witnessing each person as sacred and offering a perspective on your chart through the lens of liberation so that we may build a new world together.

Ready to dive in?

The astro garden

I joined Janessa of By Jove Astrology for an episode of The Astro Garden, where I talk more about abolition, energetic hygiene, and my practice of liberatory astrology.