The void is a teacher
Thirty spokes will converge on the hub of a wheel
But the use of the cart will depend on the part of the hub that is void.
With a wall all around a clay bowl is molded
But the use of the bowl will depend on the part of the bowl that is void.
Cut out windows and doors in the house as you build
But the use of the house will depend on the space in the walls that is void.
So advantage is had from whatever is there
But usefulness rises from whatever is not.
Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, Poem 11
What will make me useful is all I do not hold. With free hands and an open heart, I can touch all rivers of belonging. I can make moves from space as well as content.
The lunar eclipse in Virgo is opposite my natal Mercury in Pisces at 24 degrees (right where Venus, my chart ruler, will station direct next month). Virgo rules digestion- how what we take in, process, and release what moves through us in the voids of the body. This is how our bodies are made useful. It is a clearing of my throat, a growl that grows in intensity the longer I sustain the sound because it is releasing what was not and getting to what is actually ME. This clearing is kicking my butt and challenging me to remain devoted to being myself even when I am exhausted.
This is the first full moon I am experiencing with the Sun as my new timelord (hello Leo ruled 11H profection year!!!), it is a passing of the baton. This portal feels like a big cosmic test- can I remain compassionate and eliminate judgment? Can I retain my creativity and eliminate self-consciousness? Can I remember the Moon’s lessons from the last year and allow some emptying without fear and attachment? Some last bits to shed before I debut a new skin, a new way of moving, a new depth of being.
My astrology practice is rearranging and changing shape, dissolving into a puddle that I hope invites some splashing and reflection. Singing has always been my truest offering, my voice allowing all that I cannot put into words. Twin Cities folx, I am hosting a song circle on Thursday, March 27 when Venus and Neptune meet up at the end of Pisces, the end of the zodiac. We will sing songs of belonging, following our divine intuition, and visioning the world together. You can register through the container Paradise, Now on Emma June’s website here.
As we move through eclipse season, stay hydrated and rested. May you eliminate whatever stands between you and your devotion- let it be recycled into more loving ways of being so that you can become useful for the greatest good.
Peace, Olivia